Community Events & Gatherings
Bring back Milngavie Week
Milngavie week was one of the main things the community wanted brought back, so in 2016 it returned with a bang!
In 2017 and 2018 we celebrated Milngavie Week with over 40 events organised by many local groups, businesses and Volunteers. It is now a fixture in the Milngavie calendar and helps to demonstrate that many people want to feel part of a local community.
It's been so successful it has it's own Website www.milngavieweek.co.uk and Facebook Page @milngavieweek
Showcase our clubs and societies with a fair
In 2016 we held our first Fair of clubs and societies at the town hall showcasing local groups and clubs, it was a great success with 30 stalls taken by local groups and almost 500 members of the public “browsing” to see if they wanted to join a club. The event is now to be held every two years and the next one is on Saturday 8th September 2018 from 11.00am to 3.00pm.
Community Cinema
We did not make much progress with this, being unable to find suitable premises. However, when the next draft proposal emerge from EDC for Milngavie Hub, we will be lobbying to see if a community cinema can be included in the overall plan.